Power Persuasion:
Three Simple Steps You Can Use Today

I know what you are thinking: “Wait a minute, this site is for issues with maintaining a building. How does persuasion come into play? I can’t persuade the pipes to work better, can’t persuade the HVAC or elevator to stop giving me problems, at least without a good ole whack!!”

If you think about it, persuasion happens quite often in your day-to-day activities. Let’s look at all of the ways it does:

● Ever had to get an employee or colleague to complete a task?
● Ever had to negotiate a deal with a contractor?
● How about ask for a raise?!?
● How about detailing the laws of thermal dynamics to a guest or tenant and explain why he or she is too hot or too cold?

Facility Negotiations

Ok great, what now, a sales seminar??? Great, just take me out now!! Never fear, we are not trying to cross-train you in sales. I do contend that Persuasion plays a bigger part in your day than you might imagine.

If you utilize these three simple steps, you will improve your skills of Persuasion. I guarantee you that within the span of a workday, you will have at least one conversation that will turn out better if you use one or all three of these simple tips.


1. The first rule of becoming a better persuader is to listen… intently.


This will be challenging. Most days, time is not in abundance, and you have more than a little bit about your facility or property on your mind. This rule will save you time if you can really zero in on what the underlying issue(s) may be.

Far better to get it down the first time, than to assume and end up having to spend more time on the issue. The old saying “measure twice cut once” works well here.
2. The second rule of becoming a better persuader is to ask good, probing questions.

After focusing with laser-like precision, the next thing to do is to ask good, digging-deeper questions. To make sure you completely got the concerns down completely.

Far too many times, I have seen a tenant or guest get blamed for something because, “They never told me that!!” And you would be right that they did not tell you about the other issue but it is you who loses the time by having to go back and investigate the situation.

A couple of examples: Is there anything else I should know? Are there any other issues that you are experiencing? So if we send someone to do x, y, and z, then this will resolve the issue completely?

At times, the person who you are dealing with may inadvertently omit an issue or concern. By asking a probing question, it helps ensure that everything you need to deal with can be completed in one trip. As the saying goes, the devil is in the details.
3. The third rule of becoming a better persuader is asking for a return action or favor.

A couple of benefits of this rule:

1. With all that goes on in your day, you might forget about the request, since in your mind it was dealt with.

Example: “Mary, when John comes over and makes the repair, can you call the office to let them know that the issue is now resolved?”

Putting the ball in their court will give you a substantial resolution after the thing is done.

2. It also relieves you from you having to check back with them, since they are responsible for the last communication. This rule persuades them to follow up with you about what you asked them to do vs. you needing to follow up with them.

3. Asking for a return action or favor actually helps improve your relationship, even with an upset client. The reason being is that you now have a dialog and a common objective you are trying to resolve.


In summary, next time use these 3 steps:

 Listen carefully.
 Ask good questions.
 Request a return action.